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Автор Тема: Экзамен !!!Помогите перевести текс.  (Прочитано 12238 раз)

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« : 26 Январь 2009, 00:57 » Процитировать

Здравствуйте, уважаемые.
У меня к вам огромная просьба.
Помогите перевести текс.
В институте завалил экзамены  по английскому, преподаватель сказал,  что перевод не корректный( переводил через переводчик промт). Ранее английский не изучал ah …очень нужна ваша помощь.
Заранее огромное спасибо.

Вот текст для перевода.

О себе
Меня зовут…………….., мне 21 год лет.
Я родился в Подмосковье .
Со дня своего рождения жил  в поселке( название поселка напишу сам) Московской области .
( год поступления в шоку напишу сам)году 1 сентября пошел  в первый класс средней школы. Закончил  11 классов.
Школьная жизнь была бурной и незабываемой.
По помимо общеобразовательной школы  у меня была ещё и вторая школа Детская Музыкальная Школа, училась по классу баян.
2008г Поступил в институт( напишу сам) на первый курс ,  факультет реклама и пиар.
В свободное  от работы время,  встречаюсь с друзьями, самостоятельно изучаю английский язык, дизайнерские программы,  читаю книги.
Люблю путешествовать! Каждый год езжу на море или еще в какие - нибудь красивые места.  Очень интересно  узнавать обычаи и нравы других народов, попробовать кухню и напитки той страны, куда едешь!
Люблю фотографировать природу и животных.

О работе
Я просыпаюсь в 7 ч утра, умываюсь, завтракаю и собираюсь на работу.
8,30 я выхожу из дома, к 10ч я уже на работе.
Я работаю в рекламном агентстве.
Мы реализуем стратегии максимально эффективного воздействия на целевые группы, от разработки бренда до проведения масштабной рекламной кампании. Используем любые носители: прессу, Интернет, наружную рекламу, радио, ТВ, полиграфию, а также PR и BTL-технологии.
В компании я занимаю должность Менеджера по работе с клиентами.
В мои обязанности входит взаимодействие с клиентом: телефонные переговоры, переписка по электронной почте, презентация и  согласования  медиа-планов, 
Взаимодействие с отделами  моей компании (  маркетинг, интернет реклама, дизайн, пресса).: Разработка рекламных кампании,  заполнение брифов на разработку рекламных кампании или дизайн проектов, согласования  медиа-планов с клиентами.

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« Ответ #1 : 26 Январь 2009, 10:02 » Процитировать

самостоятельно изучаю английский язык

значит ли это, что в институте Вы его не изучаете? Тогда для кого перевод? и если все же это для института, то почему Вы не переведете сами, если Вы его все же изучаете?
Я могу сделать попытку перевода, но не гарантирую, что будет лучче чем у электронного переводчика.
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« Ответ #2 : 26 Январь 2009, 10:22 » Процитировать

Вот гляньте. Хоть скажите, отличается от электронного или то же самое?

About myself
My name is ….., I am 21 years old.
I was born in the  Moscow region. Since my birthday, I have lived in the town …. in the  Moscow region.
In 1956 on September 1 I started my secondary school. I studied for 11 years and then graduated from school.
My school years were active and unforgettable.
Besides public school I studied in one more school that was Children Musical School where I studied button accordion on 5-th grade.
In 2008 I started university. I entered first year, the department of advertisements and public relation.
In free time I meet with my friends, I learn English and design programming, and read books.
I like traveling. Every year I go to a seaside or to any picturesque places. It is very interesting to learn customs and natures of various peoples, to try out national cuisines and beverages of the country where you travel to.
I like taking pictures of natural landscapes and animals.

About my work.
I get up at 7 o'clock a.m., I wash myself, have my breakfast and prepare myself for my work.
At 8.30 a.m. I leave my house, and by 10 a.m. I am at my agency.
I work in an advertisement agency.
We elaborate the strategy of  exerting maximum effective influence on target groups, starting with developing brands and up to full-scale advertising campaign. We use any appropriate means, such as press, Internet, out-of-home media, radio broadcasting, TV, poligraphy, and PR and BTL-technologies.
I keep a position of a manager on contacts with clients at my company. 
My obligations according to my job are as follows: phone negotiations, e-mail correspondence, providing presentations and agreeing media-plans, cooperation with company's departments (marketing, internet advertisement, design and press) as well as elaboration of advertising campaigns, completion of briefs for design of  advertising campaigns or project designs, and coordination of media-plans with clients.

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« Ответ #3 : 26 Январь 2009, 20:33 » Процитировать

Добрый день!
tourist   Спасибо огромное за перевод.
Отвечаю на ваш вопрос:
я не успеваю за программой, которую преподают в институте.
Там преподают на уровне  школы ...а в школе я не учил английский ..отсюда и все трудности.
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« Ответ #4 : 26 Январь 2009, 21:15 » Процитировать

I don't understand why either one of you thinks that by tourist giving his version (replete with errors) sergeo will be aided in any way.

Am I the only one who has problems with these kinds of requests for other people to do one's homework?

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« Ответ #5 : 27 Январь 2009, 02:05 » Процитировать

chaika isn't it the same as an electronic translation? Will it help if he does an electronic translation with the same errors as mine has?
I guess that he will have the same, but now he can have a passing mark, so he can sit at computer games for couple of days longer or go out with girls for weekend. Of course it is bad that I make so many mistakes, but believe me - he doesn't need 5 for passing through. It is 4 that will do for him, and if his teacher know that he isn't good in English, they won't give him higher than 3 even if the translation is done by you or someone with perfect skill in English. It is more natural for him to have 10-15 mistakes in his translation, so the teacher has no doubt that it is his own translation.
Of course it is bad when someone takes my translations for sending them to England or the USA, but they will work in China or Iraq or Ghana or Cameroon. They might work even in East Europe and in some West European countries. They all use the language not much better then mine, be sure. I read several hundreds pages from different countries in English - they are all alike and I learnt a lot from them that is why mine translations are like those I read there. I need to re-learn everything now to improve my works, but in this case - it isn't necessary to make better translation. It may be that the teachers checking this translation couldn't find all 15 mistakes, but only 2 or 3 of them. At least we can ask sergeo to tell us about the results received later  ab

Of course you are right that would be better if sergeo went to professional, pay him 5 buks and have a perfect translation but all the same he will get his 3 and not higher. Why should he spend his money then?
And in other situations - I believe if nobody helps to askers - they won't know how manage the situation as they have little money to hire a professional, and they have skills even less then me. So it is no use for them to rack their brains.
At least I am trying to find a new English language activity for some time and if I, for example, find a pen-pal who I will write pretty often, I believe that my presence here will become much rare. So in this way everybody will be glad. Few people will give bad answers and more people will have to go to professionals to get their 3 or to pay directly to their teachers that is great as well and even better, as their teacher will love them more for this.
I hope that I find something more fascinating for myself to be involved in, at least I am looking for it for couple of months already. Don't worry much about it.
Maybe I don't understand something, but I sometimes give some time for anybody to give their answers, and sometimes I wait for half s day or more. If there is nobody to answer, why I can't make my try? And I am sure that my translation somebody will understand. Of course not native speakers, but those who study English. They don't mind if some words don't fit to each other. They can understand them by using first dictionary meaning of them. It is so easy.
If I can read Chinese people’s writing, that means they can read mine.
Sorry for flooding – insomnia
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