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08 Май 2024, 12:51

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Автор Тема: Простые упражнения на времена.  (Прочитано 43598 раз)
Inga Meresina

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« : 07 Март 2012, 17:14 » Процитировать

Проверьте пожалуйста те места, что я выделила.Огромное спасибо!
As Emma walked, she WAS DOING a little window shopping.From time to time she STOPPED and LOOKED at the beatiful clothes in the chic boutiques.Milan WAS the fashion centre of the world and she DECIDED to do some shopping later if HAD  time.At nine Jack STOPPED  working, SHUT  off  the lights, LEFT  the barn, and WENT back to the house.He FOUND a cold beer in the refrigerator,MADE himself  a chinese-and-tomato  sandwich, and TOOK his evening snack into the living  room.After turning on the television, he SAT down in the chair, ATE his sandwich, DRANK his beer, and channel SURFED absent-mindendly.The days passed quietly, uneventfully.I WAS DOING very little.I READ occasionaly, WATCHED  television, sometimes I LISTENED  to music, but for the most part I SAT in the front of the fire, lost in my own world.I HAD no one  and nothing I COULD live for.I simply  EXISTED.
After dinner Molly BUSIED herself at the sink.She PULLED apart several heads of lettuce, and  WASHED the leaves scrupulously.Her thoughts  WERE on her mother, but then they TOOK an unexpected turn, ZEROED in on her father.
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #1 : 07 Март 2012, 17:47 » Процитировать

The office hours were over at last.Jake HEADED in the direction of the district where he lived.He THOUGHT  what a glorious day it WAS, the way you always hoped an April day would be.It was crisp and dry, with bright sunlight and a vivid blue sky.It was the kind  of day that MADE him FELT good be alive.He OPENED the window of the pickup and  TOOK  a few deep breaths of the clean air.Jake was finally feeling better in spirits.The light was crystaline today.Perfect.As he GOT into the cottage, Jake opened the fridge and took out  a cold beer.After swallowing a few gulps, he WENT  into the living  room, SAT, PICKED up the remote control, and  FLICKED  on the television.He  DRANK his beer staring at the set.He wasn't paying much attention to the sitcom on one of the networks.Suddently impatient  with the television, he FLICKED off the set and LEANT back in the chair, taking an occasional swallow of beer.Half an hour later, as he STEPPED  out of the shower, Jake HEARD the phone ringing.Maggie's voice SAID good-bye.The answering machine CLICKED OFF.
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« Ответ #2 : 07 Март 2012, 23:50 » Процитировать

MADE him FELT good to be alive
LEANT back чаще, наверное, пишут просто leaned?
Maggie's voice SAID good-bye
Why? Does it mean that she killed herself? lol
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #3 : 08 Март 2012, 18:57 » Процитировать

там нельзя убрать felt, это из учебника.Про голос тоже, сочиняла не я.
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« Ответ #4 : 08 Март 2012, 19:23 » Процитировать

It was the kind  of day that MADE him FELT feel good to be alive.
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« Ответ #5 : 08 Март 2012, 19:27 » Процитировать

Jake HEARD the phone ringing. Maggie's voice SAID good-bye..
А по-моему, нормально - ... голосом Мэгги (вполне вероятно, это не она была)
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #6 : 09 Март 2012, 12:40 » Процитировать

When Ann turned on the television, the weatherman was giving the weekend forecast for Europe. Комментарий-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
Diana and I were sitting in the library on the Monday morning, reading newspapers.- Ком.-This is a prolonged action.
Or rather, she was reading, I was merely  glancing through them.Ком.-Two or more actions which were
happening at the same time in the past (simultaneous actions).
To make conversation I asked him what he was doing at Oxford.-Ком.- The action that was in the middle
of happening at a stated time in the past.
The noise was caused by a dog, which was chasing a cat through the garden.Ком.-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
Summer was slipping away, day by day.-Ком.-This is a prolonged action.
The crisis over, Jake was finally feeling better in spirits.-Ком.- The action that was in the middle
of happening at a stated time in the past.
Maxim's jaw dropped, he was unable to absorb the things he was hearing.-Ком.-The past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use Past Continuous for the interrupted action and Past Simple for the action which  interrupts it.
And I just knew it was my mother's face I was seeing in my mind.-Ком.-Describing the background to the events in a story.
Emma was generous of her time and money and she was understanding of heart.-Ком.-for an action which happened in the past and cannot be  repeated.
And she was being understanding now.-Ком.-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
And yet part  of her was still disbelieving that it was true.-Ком-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
As usual he was being selfish, thinking only about himself.-Ком.-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
When she came back to the office , the secretary was still rifffling through some papers.-Ком-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
She was being perfectly friendly again.-Ком.-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
Nora thought she was being noisy.-Ком.-The past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use Past Continuous for the interrupted action and Past Simple for the action which  interrupts it.
When I entered a Pizza Hut, all around me people were eating pizzas the size of bus wheels.-Ком.-The past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it. We use Past Continuous for the interrupted action and Past Simple for the action which  interrupts it.
He was liking the boy less and less every second.-Ком.-The action that was in the middle of happening at a stated time in the past.
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« Ответ #7 : 09 Март 2012, 13:24 » Процитировать

Inga Meresina Если это были уже предложенные к разбору предложения, то, очевидно, Вы правы. Но если Вы составили их сами то:

мои сомнения
To make conversation I asked him what he was doing at Oxford.-Ком.- The action that was in the middle
of happening at a stated time in the past.
The crisis over, Jake was finally feeling better in spirits.-Ком.- The action that was in the middle
of happening at a stated time in the past.

Я также не уверен, корректно  ли в континиусе употреблять такие слова как hear, believe, disbelive, see, хотя в перфект континиус они употребляются достаточно часто.
And she was being understanding now.
- это аномально. Так не может быть, тем более что understand в континиусе - редкость- нужен особый контекст.

Для меня - предложения достаточно необычные и требуют специального контекста (большинство из них). Поэтому мне о некоторых тяжело судить, зачем они применяются.
Возможно автор думал по-другому в отличие от Ваших комментариев (некоторых комментариев).

Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #8 : 09 Март 2012, 13:31 » Процитировать

это уже составленные предложения.
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #9 : 09 Март 2012, 13:32 » Процитировать

нужно проверить комментарии.
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« Ответ #10 : 09 Март 2012, 13:42 » Процитировать

tourist, "understanding" - прилагательное
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« Ответ #11 : 09 Март 2012, 13:59 » Процитировать

And she was being understanding now.


т.е. получается, что "сейчас она стала более понятная"? А если understood? - могло быть там такое прилагательное?

Ну и вообще не въезжаю, как бы два варианта переводились бы на русский. Если возможно - прокомментируйте, пожалуйста.

Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #12 : 09 Март 2012, 14:14 » Процитировать

On the special day Grandma was in her best clothes, she WAS WEARING her gloves and a hat.The child's eyes WAS SHINING  with excitement as he stared at  the rows and rows of toys in this fantastic shop.The scientists WERE WORKING around the clock, they WERE TRYING  to raise funds for futher research.She looked out of the window and saw that the children WERE RETURNING slowly from school.When we MET for the first time, he WAS SELLING  newspapers on the streets.At exactly this time yesterday they  WERE HAVING a briefing.What WERE you DOING when I called you? WERE you SLEEPING  or what?  We HAD a very lazy holiday, PLAYED  tennis, VISITED  friends,  the children SWAM and  SUNBATHED.Gwen still WERE LEAFING through the magazines when I returned to the parlour.The middle-aged couple next to me WERE DISCUSSING   their plans for Christmas who they invite out.The police who  WAS INVESTIGATING   the crime at the moment, (не могу разобрать буквы) find no clues at all.I know that  you thought that I WAS STUBBORNED  the other day.The train WAS SPEEDING  past hills full of cows and sheep.
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #13 : 09 Март 2012, 14:15 » Процитировать

новое упражнение))
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #14 : 09 Март 2012, 15:08 » Процитировать

He has got an alibi,inspector.Last saturday he was sitting in a pub at 9 p.m.Many people can affirm it.
У него алиби, инспектор.В прошлую субботу в 9 часов вечера он сидел в пивной.Многие люди могут подтвердить это.
Sorry, I could not join to you, because I was watching  my favourite movie.
Извините, но я не мог присоединиться к вам, потому что смотрел свой любимый фильм.
What is your son doing now? He is preparing for entrance exams of university.
Чем сейчас занимается твой сын? - Готовиться к вступительным экзаменам в университет.
We went to the centre of the city in the evening.A lot of people were watching  a concert in the Red square, some people were singing, some people were dancing.
Множество людей  смотрели концерт на Красной площади, некоторые пели, другие танцевали.
They were already late,but they could not go out  because it was very strong raining.
Они уже опаздывали, но не могли выйти, потому что шел сильный дождь.
Somebody knocked at the door,  but we were not waiting anybody.
Кто-то стучал в дверь, но мы никого не ждали.
Nobody could understand what was happening.
Никто не мог понять, что происходило.
When we came the office, everybody was discussing the last events.
Когда мы пришли в офис, все обсуждали  последние события.
It was quetly in the house: a clock was ticking, a cat was playing  with a ball, a dog was sleeping at the fireplace, children were collecting  a new game.
В доме было спокойно:тикали часы, кошка играла с мячиком, собака спала у камина, дети собирали новую игру.
Everybody was very busy-they were preparing for the departure.
Все были очень заняты, они готовились к отъезду.
Yersterday he was laying on the couch all day: he was reading, was sleeping, was watching TV.
Вчера он целый день лежал на диване: читал, спал, смотрел телевизор.
We saw that he was trying  to help his friends.
Мы видели, что пытался помочь своим друзьям.
It dawned upon Norris when he was enjoying his cigar.
Идея осенила Норриса, когда он наслаждался сигарой.
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« Ответ #15 : 09 Март 2012, 17:19 » Процитировать

т.е. получается, что "сейчас она стала более понятная"? А если understood? - могло быть там такое прилагательное?

Ну и вообще не въезжаю, как бы два варианта переводились бы на русский. Если возможно - прокомментируйте, пожалуйста.

understanding - понимающий, чуткий
understood - понятый (кто-то или что-то, который (-ое) поняли люди)
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« Ответ #16 : 09 Март 2012, 17:33 » Процитировать

спасибо. Я должен был просто проверить в словаре ab
Хотя - могло бы и не помочь ab Мог бы все равно не понять.
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« Ответ #17 : 09 Март 2012, 17:47 » Процитировать

Похожая история с caring - заботливый.
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« Ответ #18 : 09 Март 2012, 18:17 » Процитировать


 caring - как-то ближе ab Вспоминается с Family Album USA - You are lucky, you have such a  caring family ab
Или как-то так ab
Inga Meresina

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« Ответ #19 : 09 Март 2012, 18:34 » Процитировать

Господа! Не разбегаемся = )) Давайте вернемся к теме.
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