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forum.englishteacher.ru  |  Английский язык  |  Грамматика и трудности перевода (Модераторы: А. Л., A.K.L.)  |  Проверить текст на грамматику « предыдущая тема следующая тема »
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« Ответ #20 : 03 Декабрь 2011, 20:32 » Процитировать


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« Ответ #21 : 03 Декабрь 2011, 23:51 » Процитировать

Проверьте еще, пожалуйста:-)

According to the lecture, parents use several strategies for discipline their kids. One of these strategies is demonstrating of the power. It can be physical punishment or taking away some privileges. Psychologists are not sure whether power demonstrating is appropriate in purpose of discipline. Some psychologists oppose physical punishment for children under the age of two. Other psychologists insist that physical power shouldn't be demonstrated at all. Discipline means to teach, but physical punishment means to harm. Punishment causes kids to fear and to hate their parents.
There are at least two other ways to make children disciplined. They are the withholding of an affection and management technique. The withholding of an affection is the form of refusal to communicate with a child or threatening to reject him or her. If parents use this strategy, the child becomes nervous and insecure.
The management technique seems to be the most appropriate. This technique begins with a set of rules. To enforce the rules parents use a combination of praise and approval with explanation.

И вот это, пожалуйста:-)

Certainly, advances in transportation and communication have changed the way that nations interact with each other. Such advances as telephone and airplane make the interaction between different countries and continents more simple and convenient.
Another example of invention that has a great influence on interaction between nations is internet. The main advantage of internet is its rapidness. Now we don’t need to wait a couple of weeks while our relative or friend living abroad receives the letter. And we don’t need to wait the same time for getting a reply. We can just turn on our computer, write an e-mail and just push the button 'send'. And our computer letter will immediately be sent to any part of the Earth. We we don’t need to buy an envelope and postage stamps; we we don’t need to write the letter by our hands using a pen, we don’t need to go outside. We can just sit at home in comfortable armchair in front of the computer screen and communicate with another continent.
And interaction between nations includes not only communication with our relatives and friends living abroad. It also involves the exchange of information about current events. Now if we want to know more about political and economic situation in the world we don't need to buy a newspaper or even to watch news programs on TV. We can turn on our computer again and just read. We don’t need to browse newspaper pages or click the buttons on the TV-set. And the great advantage is that we can read information about any event in a few minutes after the event has happened. The speed of information exchange has become tremendously high due to internet. If some accident happens, everyone in the world will know about it almost immediately. It becomes too hard to keep something in secret now.
Thus, due to internet invention our life has become more rapid and more convenient.

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« Ответ #22 : 04 Декабрь 2011, 20:10 » Процитировать

several strategies to discipline their kids.
demonstrating their power.
Psychologists doubt that power demonstrating the former is appropriate ...
Some psychologists of them oppose ...
Other psychologists experts insist ...
Discipline means to teach teaching, but physical punishment means to harm may be too dangerous
"Punishment causes kids to fear and to hate their parents."
Fear of punishment make kids hate their parents.
the withholding of an affection
a form of refusal to communicate with the child
the child becomes nervous and feels insecure.

Принимать ли лексические замены, решайте сами.

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« Ответ #23 : 05 Декабрь 2011, 13:50 » Процитировать

Здравствуйте, помогите пожалуйства найти ошибки в переводе с русского на английский:

Свадьба в России.
Ночь перед свадьбой жених и невеста ночуют раздельно друг от друга. Утром невеста надевает белое платье и фату и ждет. К дому невесты подъезжает жених, чтобы забрать невесту, но подруги невесты и ее родня не пускают его просто так и требуют выкуп. Выкупом может быть все что угодно. Жениха могут заставить назвать качества невесты начинающихся с первых букв ее имени и фамилии, могут потребовать денег за проход, могут потребовать спеть серенаду любимой или найти в доме ее туфлю. После того как невесту выкупили, жених и невеста, свидетели и близкие родственники и друзья отправляются в ЗАГС.
Там брачующиеся обмениваются кольцами, расписываются в документах. После выхода из ЗАГСа молодожены могут возложить цветы к одному из памятников воинам, погибшим в ВОВ. Это традиция появилась после 1945 года.
Все фотографируются. Молодые муж и жена могут выпустить белых голубей, могут закрыть замок на ограде моста и выбросить ключ в воду. Жених может пронести невесту на руках через 7 мостов или хотя бы через один. Выбор ритуалов большой.
После этого. Молодожены, родственники, друзья и все остальные гости собираются в кафе или ресторане и начинается праздничное застолье. Люди едят, пьют, танцуют. Их развлекает специально приглашенный ведущий, которого называют тамада. Он проводит различные конкурсы и всячески старается создать ощущение праздника у всех.
Уже под вечер все гости расходятся и свадьба считается оконченной.

A wedding in Russia.
A night before a wedding a bride and a groom should sleep separately from each other. In the morning the bride puts on a white dress and a wedding veil and waits for the groom. In appointed time the groom arrives to the bride's house to pick her up. But bridesmaids and bride's relatives don't let the groom in and demand a redeem from him.
Everything could be the redeem. They can compel the groom to sing a serenade for his beloved, to numerate qualities of the bride which start with her initials, to pay a cash for entrance, to find bride's shoe in the room and etc. After this ceremony the couple, witnesses, relatives and friends go to the registry office.The couple exchange the rings, sign in the documents.
After that the newlyweds can lay a flowers at one of monument for soldiers killed in WWII. This tradition appeared after 1945.
A photographer takes a pictures. Young wife and husband let out white doves. Also they may close a padlock on fence of bridge and throw key in the water. The husband  can carry wife in one's arms through seven bridges or even if one. There are many rituals.
Then the newlyweds, relatives, friends and other guests gather in caffe or restaurant and a wedding party starts. The people eat, drink, dance. The master of ceremonies who called "tamada" entertains public. He does many various contests and creates a festive atmosphere for everyone.
In the evening guest go away and the wedding finishes.

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« Ответ #24 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 02:34 » Процитировать

A The night before a the wedding a the bride and a the groom ...
Здесь надо бы кое-что уточнить. Дело в том, что молодожёны называются a bride и a groom / bridegroom только в день свадьбы. До этого они a fiancee и a fiance. Но, к сожалению, я не в курсе, как они называются в ночь перед свадьбой
... and waits expects the groom.
In At the appointed time the groom arrives to at the bride's house
the bridesmaids and the bride's relatives
to sing a serenade for to his beloved,
to enumerate the qualities of the his bride
to pay a some cash ... to find his bride's shoe in the room (в оригинале по-другому)
the couple, their witnesses, relatives and friends (witnesses, правда, в других обстоятельствах присутствуют)
exchange the wedding rings, sign in the documents. (либо put their names ...)
a flowers (!!!)
at one of the monument for to soldiers killed in WWII. (м.б. who died duing the wars)
This tradition appeared after 1945. ... came into existence
a pictures (!!!) - рецидив!!! Это опечатки или незнание?
Young wife and husband - слишком по-русски
let out a few white doves.
they may (?) close put a padlock on the fence of a bridge and throw the key into the water.
The husband  can carry his wife in one's (так в чьих, всё-таки?) arms through over seven bridges or even if at least one.
Then the newlyweds, their relatives, friends and
in a caffe (Это в нашем кафе можно свадьбу отметить, их cafes слишком малы для таких мероприятий)
who is called "tamada" entertains the public.
many various all sorts of contests
In the evening the guests go away leave and the wedding day (or party) finishes is over.

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« Ответ #25 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 08:55 » Процитировать

Спасибо, артикли это просто беда.

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« Ответ #26 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 11:20 » Процитировать

Не беда. Логика артиклей с годами и с практикой воспринимается. Главное, рассказ в целом очень внятно переведён. Если его пересказывать, а не читать, многое нивелируется.

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« Ответ #27 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 12:27 » Процитировать

а русская версия второго текста имеется? У меня сложилось впечатление, что вы его сразу по-английски набрали. Я прав? Там целые предложения в начале надо бы корректировать. А так только поверхностно - опечатки, артикли с предлогами и прочей мелочёвкой ...

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« Ответ #28 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 16:28 » Процитировать


Нет, русского оригинала нет.
Это эссе вот на какую тему.

Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

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« Ответ #29 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 16:38 » Процитировать

Попробуйте всё-таки сделать русскую версию. Дело в том, что, если я буду текст править и переделывать ваши предложения, то это будет уже мой труд, а не ваш. Если нет, то я поправлю только технические огрехи.
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Декабрь 2011, 16:39 от Scratch » Записан

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« Ответ #30 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 16:47 » Процитировать

А там в начале что-то совсем неприемлимое?( Предложения не правильно построены?

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« Ответ #31 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 17:29 » Процитировать

Если б там было что-то неприемлимое, я бы камня на камне оставил. Рассказ очень качественный, понятный во всех деталях. В умении строить предложения вам не откажешь. В основном это лексические неточности. Вот например,
Such advances as telephone and airplane ... Я бы телефон и самолёт таким словом не назвал. Advance - абстракция - движение вперёд, прогресс. Advance может быть в какой-то области знаний, например ... А вдруг я не так понял в некоторых местах вашу мысль, вдруг вы что что-то своё в неё вложили. А английский текст не даёт мне этой возможности. Но я не настаиваю на русском варианте, вы всё же автор и имеете право так излагать, и если вас устраивает, я могу только по явным ляпам пройтись и по мелочам. Повторяюсь, рассказ качественный, немногие так напишут без русского варианта.

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« Ответ #32 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 18:42 » Процитировать

Давайте, только по основным ляпам:-)
А то я запутаюсь совсем)

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« Ответ #33 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 19:17 » Процитировать

Certainly, advances in transportation and communication have changed the way that nations interact with each other. Such advances as the telephone and the airplane make the interaction between different countries and continents more simple and convenient.
Another example of invention that has a great influence on interaction between nations is the internet. The main advantage of the internet is its rapidness. Now, we don’t need have to wait for a couple of weeks while till our relative or friend living abroad receives the our letter. And we don’t need to wait the same time that long for getting to get a their reply. We can just turn on our computer, write an e-mail and just push the button 'send' key. And our computer electronic letter will  be sent to any part of the Earth immediately. We we don’t need have to buy an envelope and postage stamps; we we don’t need have to write the letter by our hands using a pen, we don’t need have to go outside out. We can just sit stay (at) home in a comfortable armchair in front of the our computer monitor screen and communicate with another continent.
And interaction between nations includes not only communication with our relatives and friends living abroad. It also involves the exchange of information about current events. Now, if we want to know more about the political and economic situation in the world we don't need have to buy a newspaper or even to watch the news (programs) on TV. We can turn on our computer again and just read. We don’t need have to browse through newspaper pages or click the buttons on the TV-set channel-changer. And the a great advantage is that we can read information about any event in a few minutes after the event has happened or taken place. The speed of information exchange has become tremendously high due thanks / or owing to the internet. If some accident happens, everyone in the world will know about it almost immediately. It becomes too hard to keep something in a secret now.
Thus, due owing to the invention of the internet our life has become more rapid and more convenient.

И ещё рекомендую we заменить на you.
« Последнее редактирование: 06 Декабрь 2011, 19:23 от Scratch » Записан

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« Ответ #34 : 06 Декабрь 2011, 20:54 » Процитировать


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« Ответ #35 : 07 Декабрь 2011, 01:25 » Процитировать

Проверьте, пожалуйста, еще вот это по тому же принципу:-)

According to the reading passage, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey designed an empirical research, in which they tried to simulate the chemical evolution process that could occur in the early atmosphere of the Earth. In their experiment electrical charges have been continuously conducted across the methane, hydrogen and ammonia mixed with the water fumes. After several weeks there were a large amount of amino acids in the experimental liquid. This means that the organic compounds could be created in conditions of the atmosphere of early Earth.
And although the result of this outstanding experiment was brilliant, there are some problems that make us skeptical about the result. Certainly, electricity was conducted in the atmosphere of early Earth. But this process wasn't continuous. Besides, the Earth is very similar to meteorites and it might contain some acids after it was formed.
Thus, we still don't know how the life was created in our planet.

Some people learn a foreign language in their own country, and other people prefer to do it in the country in which it is spoken. These two strategies have advantages and disadvantages.
If you learn the language in the country, when it is spoken, you certainly would learn it more rapidly. When native speakers surround you during your day, it is easy to learn language. In other country you have to speak with native speakers continuously. You have to speak during shopping, in restaurants, in the street. Everything that you are going to read would be written in another language. And that is why in other county in which the language is spoken you can study more intensive than at home. But this strategy also has some disadvantages. It is rather costly to learn the language in another country.  You should pay lots of money for rapidity of learning. And besides, it can be very inconvenient to leave your home country, especially if you have the kids or you should to work.
And if you try to learn foreign language in your own country, your study process would not affect your family life or your work. You can study, work and be with your family simultaneously. And to learn the language in the home country is rather cheaper than in another country. And it can cost nothing, if you studying by yourself without attending any courses. Certainly, this process seems to be very slow, but if you are attentive and diligent, it doesn't matter.
I suppose that no matter what strategy you use to learn a foreign language. If you try your best in studying you will succeed anyway.
As for me, I prefer to study foreign language in my own country. But I would be glad to visit the country in which it is spoken.

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« Ответ #36 : 07 Декабрь 2011, 17:39 » Процитировать

According to the reading passage, - а как вы это переведёте?
Нельзя to design a research. Можно to design a machine / a building etc.
the chemical evolution process - Я в теме не разбираюсь, но чувствую, что порядок слов не тот ...
the early atmosphere of the Earth. - тоже что-то с сочетаемостью
In their experiment, electrical charges have been continuously conducted across the methane, hydrogen and ammonia mixed with the water fumes.
a. Время не то.
b. Попробуйте сами разобраться, как работает глагол to conduct по словарям
c. Предлог не тот.
d. По словарю - что такое fumes?
After several weeks - A few weeks later ...
there were (!!!) a large amount of ...
This means that the organic compounds could be created (см. ниже) in conditions of the atmosphere of early Earth.
Certainly, electricity was conducted in the atmosphere of early Earth.
But this the or that process wasn't continuous. - не допускайте сокращений в такого рода текстах. Сокращения демонстрирую разговорный характер речи
the Earth is very similar to meteorites - я мысль понимаю, но с формой подачи не согласен. Развернуть бы надо ...
it might contain (когда?) some acids after it was formed.
Thus, we still don't know how the life was created in (?) our planet. - Как она была created мы знаем по Библии ...

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« Ответ #37 : 07 Декабрь 2011, 18:56 » Процитировать

Some people learn a foreign language in their own country, and other people prefer to do it in the country in which it is spoken. These two strategies have advantages and disadvantages.
If you learned the language in the country, when where it is spoken, you certainly would learn it more rapidly. When native speakers surround you during your day, it is easy to learn the language. In the other country you have to speak with native speakers continuously. You have to speak during while shopping, in restaurants, in on the street. Everything that you are going to read would be written in the other language. And that is why in the other county in which the language is spoken you can study more intensively than at home. But this strategy also has some disadvantages. It is rather costly to learn the language in another country.  You should pay lots of money for rapidity of learning. And besides, it can may be very inconvenient to leave your home country, especially if you have the kids or you should have to work.
And if you try tried to learn a foreign language in your own country, your study process would not affect your family life or your work. You can study, work and be with your family simultaneously. And to learn the language in the home country is rather cheaper than in another country. And it can cost nothing, if you studying by yourself without attending any courses. Certainly, this process seems to be very slow, but if you are attentive and diligent, it doesn't matter.
I suppose that no matter what strategy you use to learn a foreign language. If you try your best in studying you will succeed anyway.
As for me, I prefer to study foreign language in my own country. But I would be glad to visit the country in which it is spoken.

I think you should avoid using and in the beginning of your sentences. Also, some reading on articles would be useful.. Other than that, I'm pretty sure that you're gonna get your 100+ ab 

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« Ответ #38 : 07 Декабрь 2011, 21:37 » Процитировать

olgagal, thank you very much:-)

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« Ответ #39 : 07 Декабрь 2011, 21:38 » Процитировать


According to the reading) рassage лишнее)
conduct through
Вместо fumes, наверное, лучше steam?
А вместо create - appear?
Почему нельзя electricity was conducted? - электричество проводилось
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