Английский язык => Speak English => Тема начата: Milika от 12 Июль 2010, 20:19

Название: Words: associations
Отправлено: Milika от 12 Июль 2010, 20:19
Let us play this wonderful game again. But the previous variant was too easy I think. Do you agree?
So new rules: somebody writes a word, the next writes the word which is connected with the previous one.  The last letter of the previous word must be the first letter of the next one. Words must be nouns.

So the first word is


Название: Re: Words: associations
Отправлено: Void-Lloyd от 13 Июль 2010, 10:14
But it is too easy to play such game when you have a dictionary.

Название: Re: Words: associations
Отправлено: Milika от 13 Июль 2010, 11:46
Is there any connection between a lemon and Norse? :)