Английский язык => Speak English => Тема начата: Milika от 18 Август 2010, 12:07

Название: Stories abous saved people
Отправлено: Milika от 18 Август 2010, 12:07
Do you know any stories about people who were saved by common people?

My friend has told me a story which has impressed me a lot.

Two weeks ago his neigbour, a retired pilot, 48 years old was fishing with his friend very far from a town. Suddenly they heard that a woman was crying "Help!!!" It occurred that a bee had stung her fiance's throat and he had a choke. He couldn't breathe, his face and his toung were blue!!!
My friend's neighbour who wasn't a doctor decided to save him. He CUT his TRACHEA and put a stick into a hole. It helped. Then he rushed him to a hospital!


Название: Re: Stories abous saved people
Отправлено: KishMishsh от 19 Август 2010, 22:55
My father saved a little boy. The boy was running and didn't see a car...