Английский язык => Учительская => Тема начата: Джессика от 29 Май 2012, 20:55

Название: Complex Object/Comples Subject
Отправлено: Джессика от 29 Май 2012, 20:55
Инфинитивы, которые в скобках нужно привести в правильную форму. Помогите , пожалуйста, завтра экзамен!!!!! ((((((((
Complex Subject/Complex Object
1.   The robbery is known ( to commit) by a group of teenagers
2.   We know him (to charge) with murder
3.   Everybody heard the judge (to pronounce) sentence
4.   Let him (to justify) himself
5.   Some witness saw these criminals (to leave) the bone
6.   We head him (to serve) sentence for two years already
7.   The warrant to the arrest seems (to issue)
8.   We heard the investigation (to continue)
9.   We saw him (to sign) some papers
10.   Did you make him (to pay) the bill?
11.   He appeals (to serve) the year...
12.   This person is unlikely (to injury)
13.   He forced us (to commit) these acts
14.   He is unlikely (to convict)
15.   I want a judge (to issue) an arrest warrant
16.   The judge seems (to announce) the verdict
17.   This men reported (to convict) of murder.