Английский язык => Грамматика и трудности перевода => Тема начата: nas2000 от 30 Декабрь 2015, 18:47

Название: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 30 Декабрь 2015, 18:47
Hi guys. Merry Christmas!

Just out of curiosity, how would you explain the difference between:
I'm flying to Rome tomorrow morning.
I'm going to fly to Rome tomorrow morning.


Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Sergei Troizky от 31 Декабрь 2015, 03:15
"I'm going to fly to Rome tomorrow morning"- this is a plan or general prediction/suggestion.
"I'm flying to Rome tomorrow morning"- this is something already arranged.
"I fly to Rome tomorrow morning"- this is a timetabled scheduled future event.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 31 Декабрь 2015, 11:05
I learned yesterday (from several sources) that I'm flying to Rome tomorrow morning. does NOT necessarily mean I've made certain arrangements. In fact it isn't any different from I'm going to fly to Rome tomorrow morning.

Sergei, and how would you explain I'll fly to Rome tomorrow morning.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Sergei Troizky от 31 Декабрь 2015, 22:27
My reply was based on information from several language forums and English grammar sites.
From the same source, the form "I will fly to Rome tomorrow" to some extent indicates voluntariness.
However, questioning couple native English-speakers (well educated Canadians) revealed, that for them:
- The form "I am flying tomorrow" indicates absolute confidence/certainty/assurance/inevitability.
- The other mentioned forms are more neutral, their meanings are very close, if not the same, and the choice depends mostly on personal preference.
Once again, this is not my opinion.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Sergei Troizky от 31 Декабрь 2015, 23:43
Some additional information from websites:
- "I fly" means an event in the near future, or indicates schedule/timetable.
- "I am going to fly" does not have to be for the near future. It is something already planned/arranged to be done in the future. It is also used for prediction based on the evidence seen now.
- "I am flying" is more of a suggestion that an arrangement has already been made.
Note, that the latter is exactly opposite to the vox populi from my previous post.

This site has several articles comparing different forms of the future.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 01 Январь 2016, 14:46
I like your Canadian friends' comment: it's mostly a personal preference. They don't seem to worry too much about the differences. It's like asking a Russian: What's the difference between:
Я лечу в Рим завтра.

Я полечу в Рим завтра.
and also
Я собираюсь (по)лететь в Рим завтра.

Thanks for your help.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Sergei Troizky от 02 Январь 2016, 04:37
nas2000, русский Вам родной язык?
Вы действительно не ощущаете разницы между лечу и собираюсь полететь?

Герой одного произведения говорил: "В нормальном языке синонимов не бывает".
Я бы распространил это утверждение и на грамматические формы.
Хочется думать, что если выражено по разному- различие в мысли есть, пусть и трудно и не всеми ощущаемое.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 02 Январь 2016, 11:38
My native language is the Alma-Ata dialect of Russian.

See, I was convinced that all three forms were different:
I'm flying = Я лечу (an arrangement)
I'll fly = Я полечу (a prediction)
I'm going to fly = Я собираюсь лететь (an intention)

However, when I learned that in English I'm flying and I'm going to fly might have no difference, it made me wonder. Maybe some people in Russia take it easy and use the three forms interchangeably.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 12 Январь 2016, 13:19
This is what I'm talking about. Cambridge, Prepare 4. It even makes English teachers confused.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 11 Март 2016, 19:35
Has anybody ever taken a Cambridge test? I hope they don't have tasks like the one below. What's wrong with the writers of Prepare 4? It has got to be a conspiracy! :)

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Funny198 от 23 Март 2016, 17:32
nas2000 Here's some information about Future forms

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 23 Март 2016, 18:52
Thanks for the link, Funny123. Very interesting!

I don't want to sound too critical again but I found some odd grammar notes on the site, like this one for example:
"В разговорном английском shall обычно используется в вопросах от первого лица, где подразумевается разрешение.
•Shall I call the office? — Мне позвонить в офис?
•Shall we go to the library? — Нам идти в библиотеку?

Однако, употребление глагола will с местоимениями первого лица начинает считаться допустимым и в официальном английском. Таким образом, кроме вопросов, где подразумевается разрешение, с местоимениями первого лица можно использовать и will, и shall

Do they teach that at Skyeng?

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: Funny198 от 28 Март 2016, 15:24
Мне кажется, тут про употребления will в качестве разрешения допускается чаще в разговорной речи, но к сожалению переходит и в формальную речь.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 28 Март 2016, 20:59
1. We use MAY, CAN or COULD, not SHALL, to ask for permission.
2. SHALL is not used as a future auxiliary in contemporary English.
3. SHALL is used in questions with I and WE to make offers and suggestions and to ask for advice (mostly in BrE).

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 25 Май 2016, 20:29
No more Cambridge Prepare books. Have a look at this multiple choice question. Which is THE CORRECT answer? The DOS said that only MUST is possible. Another native speaker said MUST and MIGHT are possible (but MUST sounds better). I say three modal verbs are possible. The DOS even asked me if I didn't believe him as a native speaker. What could I have said? :bk:

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: adwise43 от 25 Май 2016, 23:53
Another native speaker said MUST and MIGHT are possible (but MUST sounds better)
But the other modal reverses the meaning of the phrase, so that it sounds almost like: "You can't have been really scared"

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 26 Май 2016, 12:02
If you're talking about MIGHT, no it doesn't. It just expresses a lower degree of certainty (that he was scared).

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: adwise43 от 27 Май 2016, 01:00
Low degree of certainty is expressed by the combination of may and the Infinitive (perfect or non-perfect). Might is the subjunctive mood form.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: nas2000 от 27 Май 2016, 10:16
Wow, four teachers and four different opinions! Modals! Are you saying that only the following two sentences are correct?
You MUST have been really scared.
You MAY have been really scared.

Название: Re: Future forms
Отправлено: adwise43 от 27 Май 2016, 12:44
I said MIGHT was not fit for the situation. The other two also influence the perception of the situation. One should not do it.