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« : 08 Апрель 2010, 12:53 » Процитировать


Вместе с письмами мы часто получаем открытки от друзей по переписке. Они содержат богатый иллюстративный материал о стране изучаемого языка, информацию о ее праздниках, обычаях, традициях, учат детей вежливо общаться и поздравлять с праздником на иностранном языке. Поэтому открытки мы используем как источник информации при обсуждении ситуаций в устной речи и аудировании, как красочный материал для оформления кабинета, как живой образец форм поздравления и оформления текстов открыток разного назначения на английском языке, как средство обучения чтению и письму на начальном этапе обучения.
Также как и письма открытки могут быть отправлены по разным причинам:
-   рассказать об отдыхе или путешествии,
-   сообщить о деталях какого-либо происшествия.
-   сообщить новый адрес или номер телефона,
-   послать новость о друзьях или семье,
-   спросить о друзьях или семье,
-   послать приветствие или поздравление (на Новый год, день рождения и т.д.),
- напомнить о себе.
Но текст открытки отличается от текста письма. Студенты учатся составлять текст открытки. Следующая памятка помогает им сделать это.
                      Как подписать открытку зарубежному другу.
 1 Так как открытки носят личный, неформальный характер, ты можешь начать писать все, что желаешь.
2Так как открытка небольшого формата, сообщи в ней лишь о самом главном, сокращай предложения.
З Ты можешь не следовать строго правилам пунктуации. Чтобы отделить мысли в тексте открытки, ставь тире  или запятую.
4.Чтобы выделить слова и выражения, пиши их с заглавной буквы, подчеркивай, ставь восклицательный знак.
5.Чтобы выразить свое впечатление от чего-либо, используй прилагательные – great, beautiful, exciting,   fabulous or bad, miserable, unfriendly.

                                   How to Write a Postcard Text.
1.You may begin and end in any way you like because postcards are informal and personal.
2.   There is not much space in a postcard. So you usually mention just a few things and use shortened sentence forms.
3.You don't have to follow strict rules of punctuation. For example, you may use dashes ( - ) instead of full stops or commas to separate ideas.
4. To emphasize words or expressions in a postcard you can use: capital  letters, underlining, exclamation marks.
5. In postcards you often use descriptive words to show you like something or someone (e.g. wonderful, great, beautiful, exciting, fabulous or bad, miser able, unfriendly and so on).
  Вот некоторые варианты текстов открыток, иллюстрирующие сказанное выше.
 1 .Dear Gallina.
This is mainly to give you my new Romford address:
 77, Сlyde Way, Rise Park,
 Romford, Essex,
RM 14 XT England.
 Haven't heard from you in quite a while.
 Love Pauline.
2. Hi, Gallina and Gennady.
Well. Here we're in PARADISE!
It has been a FANTASTIC holiday in Turkey.
It's been very beautiful and relaxing for us two.
Regards from Stephany and family.
3.   Dear Ann,
Just a short note to say- Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a wonderful day.
All the best Sarah.

Учащиеся в основном посылают поздравительные открытки к дню рождения, Рождеству, Новому году. Существуют разные варианты поздравлений. Например:

For Christmas and New Year.

 Wishing you peace and joy at Christmas and a Happy New  Year.

                                                       Warm wishes for happiness now and throughout the coming                       year.
Wishing you a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
                                        Wishing you peace and happiness at Christmas time.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
                                         With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year.
Season Greetings and best wishes for the new millennium. Kind and warmest   thoughts      to you all.
To wish you "Happy Christmas"
      And a prosperous New Year.
Christmas Greetings.
Hope that Christmas from the start
Will be happy one
And your New Year's very special
From the moment it's begun!
Thinking of you
at Christmas time
with this special wish to say
may the love and laughter
of Yuletide joy
bring happiness your way.

    For Easter.

May Easter Blessings Be With You.
                                                                                             At This Holy Season.
                                                             Wishing you happiness as we celebrate the glory of Easter.
Happy Easter.
                                                                                Easter Greetings.
Wishing You a Very Happy Easter.
                                                                           Blessings for Easter time.
May Easter time bring you special blessings that will last for always.
                  May Easter time bring you and .your family God blessings, joy and peace.

      For Birthday.

Happy Birthday to You.
                                                                                        Best Regards on Your Birthday.
Best Wishes on Your Birthday.
                                                                                         Many happy returns of the day.
May this day be special for you.
                                                                                        May all your wishes come true.

  Из своего опыта знаю, что переписка учащихся с зарубежными сверстниками будет успешной, плодотворной и долгой, если сам учитель заинтересован в том, чтобы студенты прочитали полученное послание, поняли его, написали ответ и отправили его по почте. Иначе переписка становится реже и может, наконец, прекратится. Иногда ответное письмо из Англии не приходит долго. Но я убеждаю ребят, что надо написать снова, поздравить с праздником, днем рождения. Нередко после этого письма приходят снова. Существуют правила успешной переписки с зарубежными друзьями. Подробно они описаны Международной службой друзей по переписке, существующей при ЮНЕСКО, Вкратце их можно сформулировать так:
1.   Представь себя «в лучшем свете», позаботься о своём положительном имидже.
2.   Первое письмо самое важное: расположи нового друга к общению.
3.   Не забывай отвечать на полученное письмо. Если ты долго не получал ответное письмо, не расстраивайся. Напиши снова.
4.   Не пиши на банальные темы или просто так. Обсуждай что-то конкретное, не распыляясь на многое. Делай письмо интересным для прочтения, добавляй картинки, фото и т.д.
5.   Постарайся найти общие точки соприкосновения, увлечения с твоим респондентом.
6.   Относись к переписке творчески: предлагай новые темы для обсуждения, сопровождай письмо аудио или видео материалами, намекни, что ты тоже хотел бы получить что-то аналогичное.
7.   Будь чуток, внимателен к новостям, мыслям, эмоциям твоего друга: вырази своё участие, сопереживание, раздели радость или грусть.
8.   Максимально используй шанс узнать как можно больше о стране, стиле жизни собеседника. В свою очередь повествуй о своей стране.
9.   Уважай чувства, обычаи, уклад жизни другого. Не считай что ты лучше или умнее в какой-то степени.
10.   Укрепляй дружеские отношения: это приведёт к многолетней дружбе, к реальному общению, обоюдным визитам.

      Более подробно они представлены ниже.
Ten useful hints on how to have good and longstanding pen friends

1   Present yourself well, taking care of your image. Using the correct stationery is just the same as dressing well, and your writing is the same as the way you speak. Use good quality writing paper: not sheets ripped out of a exercise book neither sophis¬ticated materials. Your writing should be clear and easy to read. If you have developed good handwrit¬ing, then use it. Otherwise, if you think the result would be better, type it out. Learn how to set out a letter properly: writing first your address, the date, followed by the text of your letter. Always use clear and easy to understand language and handwriting to avoid the worst disaster of all, a misunderstanding. Remember that your pen friend cannot see you or your environment, but becomes acquainted with you only through your correspondence.
2   The first letter is the most important. Start off the correspondence well by introducing yourself confidently, but without expecting a sure reply. Explain your reasons for writing. Assure your pen friend that you are ready and willing to be as helpful as possible. Describe yourself (it's always a good idea to enclose a photograph), your family, any family pets etc., the town, city or village where you live and the region (if you can, enclose a postcard). Keep the descriptions brief, you can go into detail later. Talk about your likes and dislikes, particularly those that can be developed in your letters.
3   Reply punctually. The postal service will take care of the frustrating delays! However, if you do find yourself in the situation where letters have not been exchanged for some time, you can always fall back on a simple trick: a dual correspondence with cross letters discussing very different topics. For instance, you could send a letter talking about your school activities alternated with a letter of a more personal nature. So, be punctual. Remember that there are only two ways of replying to a letter: straight away or after a long, embarrassing pause.

4   Try to balance out the topics discussed. After the first letter, all other correspondence must give first a reply to the main themes discussed in the letter received from your pen friend, followed by other themes of particular interest to you. Don't feel shy in talking about yourself. This doesn't mean a diary but the most important things that have happened to you since your last letter. This will make your friend feel involved in your life. Try not to talk about too many things at the same time, just the things that have arisen from your correspondence. Everything needs to be set out carefully. Don't fill your letters with trivial or obvious things, but write in detail about a few select matters. Don't fall into the trap of writing about generalities or trying to impress your pen friend by your intellectual powers. Remember this is a letter to a pen friend with whom you have interests in common, not a mastermind competition.
5   A central topic will make your letter interest¬ing. Try to find out what you have in common with your pen friend. Mutual interests will develop by themselves. If you are involved in a collective writ¬ing group or are following suggestions made by your teacher, you can use the same trick mentioned above to create the necessary space. Around the central theme you can talk a bit about everything. In this way, you'll never be stuck without anything to say. If you are describing something, include as much detail as possible, and add a drawing if you think it would help. If you are telling a story, describe the most interesting parts which are difficult to imagine. On the other hand, don't say everything at once, or talk about things already understood.
6 Use your imagination and don't exchange just letters. You can make your correspondence more interesting and enriched by including your own photographs and those of your friends. You can also send postcards or brochures of your town and region or even small objects like stamps, coins, under- a copy of the school magazine, recipes, computer diskettes, or some of your own work. Use your imagination. Every now and then you could ex¬change gifts. Ask your pen friend for the date of his birthday, or his special Saint's day (if celebrated). Remember to send at least a card. Don't send expen¬sive presents: a t-shirt, book, calendar, record of local music, or sweets are a few suggestions. The best thing would be something characteristic of your area which can't be found in the big supermarkets. If possible, you could indulge in something a little more adventurous, like a video cassette or audio cassette, either personal or with songs or a film or even language courses. Use your imagination and think about what your pen friend is like..
7     Carefully read the letters you receive. You and your pen friend will have interests in common. Try to get involved in his life. Imagine him in his environment, try to understand his emotions. Un¬doubtedly there will be a great deal to learn from this cultural exchange —which is exactly what your correspondence represents. It is an intellectual and emotional adventure which gets richer as you be¬come more involved. These days, we try to fill our lives with an absurd amount of activities and inter¬ests which are often dictated to us by consumerism. If would be a very sad thing, if your correspondence was also reduced to this. As regards information, try to compare it, go into more depth and bridge the gaps in the school or public library. There's only one way to understand your pen friend and gain his friend¬ship: by putting yourself in his shoes. This is a hard, but rewarding task.
8    Make sure that the exchange is reciprocal.
As we've already said before, the exchange takes place on both an emotional and a cultural level. Make sure that the interest in a country or in a language is not one-sided. Unfortunately, there is an
enormous imbalance between the request for certain countries and languages and the actual availability. This is because almost everyone studies —or speaks— English. Whereas, it's often the case that the most interesting countries and languages are those less well known. Enter into the atmosphere of your pen friend, wherever he lives. Even if your language and culture is not one of the most sought-after, respect it the same and let your pen friend get to know it, at least a little. You'll see how each of you will begin to appreciate one another, even if the particular languages are not being studied at school.
9   Respect your pen friend. Not because you are obliged to accept just anyone, but because you have chosen your pen friend personally and because it is your duty to respect a friend. Respect his individual¬ity, race, religion, political convictions, lifestyle, aesthetic tastes. Try you make your correspondence constructive. Be reasonable, wise: Don't feel supe¬rior if your country is wealthier, or bear resentment if the opposite is the case. Say everything that you feel like saying, provided, of course, that your pen friend would not be offended. Remember that you are representing your Country, your region, your language, your culture.
10  Cultivate your friendship. Cultivate it as much as you can. Some of these friendships have lasted a lifetime. In many cases, the time will arrive when you will suggest an exchange of visits, to invite or be invited. It's quite an emotional experience meeting one another in person, so prepare yourself. This is the most economic type of tourism but, most of all, the most involving that you will ever experi¬ence. We hope so. Now you can begin to put into practice these few simple instructions, based on the experience of millions of international pen friends. Read this paper carefully, and then read it again. Follow the rules faithfully to achieve the best results.
If, for any reason, you decide against corresponding, write or reply to the person in question and let him know your reasons why. On the other hand, be prepared to receive a negative reply to your proposal, or even not receive a reply at all. We are dealing with human relations, so you'll need patience and, at the same time, sincere interest.
The International Pen Friend Service
10015 Ivrea, Italy

  Итак, информация, заключенная в письмах и открытках, которые мы получаем из Англии, составляет часть британоведения и иноязычной культуры. Учащиеся имеют возможность "прикоснуться" к живому слову, речи "носителей" языка, пусть это слово или речь написаны на листе бумаги. Переписка со сверстниками из Англии помогает нам получить свежую страноведческую информацию, которая является актуальным материалом для обсуждения в устной речи, для подготовки сообщений учащихся в монологической и диалогической речи; обогащает активный и пассивный словарь учащихся; способствует развитию навыков чтения и письменной речи, лично заинтересовывает их, мотивирует эту деятельность. Вместе с тем, учащиеся на практике овладевают правилами оформления личного письма или открытки.

                                                                                  Галия Каюмовна Смирнова
                                                                                  учитель английского языка
                                                 МОУ СОШ №1 гРыбинск Ярославской области

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